Pruning time at Four Acres

It’s January and it’s pruning time. So far, 340 vines have been pruned and there are 1,900 vines to go. After every vine has been pruned we have to tie the two canes to the fruiting wires. This little job will take at least two months which will keep us busy through the winter. The pruning contraption was inspired by the Flintstones and is named 'Jennifer'. A special thank you to Sue Watkens mum for knitting the woolly hats!

Riddling the wine

The riddling process at Four Acres Esate requires each bottle to be turned by hand twice each day. We riddle away for at least two weeks before disgorging and corking, and this is after the bottles have been on lees for at least 18 months.

Platon's son Alex and granddaughter Sophia are pictured here helping out; our family motto is “You can never start them too young!”

Washing and 'milling' the apples

Washing and Milling the Apples IMG 0487

A glorious September day brings another hard graft shift at Four Acres Estate, getting ready to transform our apple harvest from the orchard into fabulous cider. A special thank you to Fred, Tracy and Judith and my little sister Mina (pictured above in a milling frenzy), whose help in washing and milling the apples was absolutely superb.

The pomace (used apple pulp) was later taken down to the vegetable patch; the courgettes are going to be fabulous this summer!